The festival visitors were impressed by special events
Seminars, coffee championships, competitions with gifts, live music… The special events organized by the Athens coffee festival gave a unique and complete experience to its visitors.
Coffee Masterclasses
Award-winning baristas, important coffee market executives, owners and representatives of leading coffee brands discussed the present and future of coffee industry during Coffee Masterclasses. During the program of Coffee Masterclasses all the new trends dominating the contemporary international coffee scene and ideas that contribute to its further development, were being presented. Masterclasses took place at the Ampitheatre “Miltiadis Evert” at Technopolis, City of Athens.>>

The festival’s hostess Katerina Psimopoulou

Snapshot from Coffee Masterclasses
Hellenic Coffee Championships
Talented and ambitious baristas competed at the Hellenic Roasting and Coffee in Good Spirits Championships organized by SCA Greece with the goal of representing Greece in the World Coffee Championships. >>

Snapshot from the Coffee in Good Spirits Championship

Roasting championship contestant Alexandros Nerantzis
5th Hellenic AeroPress Contest
Another important coffee-based event was hosted by the 6th Athens Coffee Festival, enriching even more the impressive program of special events. More specifically, the 5th Hellenic AeroPress Championship, organized by Kudu Coffee Roasters, took place on Monday 26th September in Technopolis. Talented baristas battled, with the winner representing Greece at the AeroPress World Championship.>>

48 Hours – the band rocked the audience of Athens Coffee Festival

The Wedding Singers live on stage
Main Stage
The main stage of the Athens Coffee Festival hosted the popular radio producer of Hit 88.9 radio station, Katerina Psimopoulou who created a joyful atmosphere. Also, the visitors of the festival had the opportunity to take part in competitions that were taking place during all three days of the festival, in order to win rich gifts – provided by the exhibitors of the festival.
Finally, festival visitors had the opportunity to dance and sing with the popular group 48 Hours while on Sunday 25 September the band The Wedding Singers took over the stage.